Barista Gear
PRODUCT TYPE: Barista Gear
Italian Made, with a full stainless steel body, insulated steam and hot water, a chrome brass group and filter, this machine is perfect for the at-home barista. The Reale excels in the beautiful finish and the use of the highest...
PRODUCT TYPE: Barista Gear
This 58mm blind filter is used for backflushing on high end espresso machines that have a pressure release mechanism. It fits into the gruop handle in place of the standard filter. Backflushiung your coffee macine helps to remove coffee residue...
PRODUCT TYPE: Barista Gear
Using high quality, German manufactured paper, Bruerâ„¢ paper filters have been developed to have minimal impact on flavour whilst allowing for a perfect balance of flow and resistance to create the ideal extraction. The Bruerâ„¢ Paper filter is suitable for...
PRODUCT TYPE: Barista Gear
Built with unprecidented precision, all VST Filters are WARRANTED for ZERODEFECTS. Holes are formed using a new micro-machine and finishing process. 100% of holes are measured on every filter for min/max range limits on area and diameter to a precision of...
PRODUCT TYPE: Barista Gear
Prefect for steaming small amounts of milk, ideal for making one coffee at a time. These simple, classic jugs are great cafe and home all-rounders, with a nice weight and good clean lines. Easy to work with, they have a...
PRODUCT TYPE: Barista Gear
Tamper Mat with Overhang – Compact are designed for use with a manual tamper. It protects all surfaces, is non slip and eases the pressure to the wrist & elbow when tamping and fits neatly over the edge of most...