Milk for Baristas
PRODUCT TYPE: Milk for Baristas
ALMOND MILK, THE HOMEGROWN HERO Almond milk is the nutty neighbour built for balance with the best of blends. Almond milk for baristas pairs perfectly with our Dolce Blend as the coffee brings out the milks natural sweetness. Made from...
PRODUCT TYPE: Milk for Baristas
OAT MILK, INTRODUCING THE (g)-O-A-T! Oat milk is the millennial upstart upsetting the establishment and taking up the mantle as espresso’s new best friend. Made from GMO-free Australian grown oats and at least 97% Australian ingredients.
PRODUCT TYPE: Milk for Baristas
SOY MILK, THE OG, OLD FAITHFUL Soy milk manifested through the wisdom of soy whisperers from ages past and handed down through each generation, our original gangster holds within the secrets of coffee symbiosis. Textures and folds perfectly for latte...
PRODUCT TYPE: Milk for Baristas
Bonsoy Soy 1L Bonsoy is created with a secret time-honoured practice to extract the best goodness out of the finest quality beans to bring you a superior quality soy milk with a taste to match. Free from artificial colours Free...